About Us

The Church of God Little Flock desires to help God’s people in anyway we can. We know God’s Church is not a corporation. It is the called out ones that have and are led by God’s Holy Spirit. Our purpose here is to help in preparing future kings, priests, and teachers in God’s Kingdom.

Jesus told Peter if you love me take care of my sheep.

Mr. HWA said the fruit of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is the church Although we must have a calling from the Father to enter his spiritual teachers college to be leaders in the world tomorrow – John 6:44 Now is only a day of salvation. God is not trying to save the world now.

God used Mr. Armstrong to preach the same gospel of the Kingdom of God Jesus preached Mark 1:1,14,15 It is necessary to preach the exact same gospel. There is only one gospel and a double curse is pronounced by Paul on anyone that should preach any other. Gal.1:6-9

Mr. Armstrong preached about a coming world government to be set up with Jesus as King of Kings.

He preached the gospel into all the world and did not stop preaching it until health prevented him. Then he selected presenters to continue preaching the Gospel.

We are one small congregation, a “Little Flock”. We will continue with the two fold commission – Preach the gospel as a witness and feed the flock. We started shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day – 2020.

We believe Mr. HWA was an apostle and fulfilled the prophecy of the Elijah to come and restore all things – the truth. As Philadelphians we believe we must hold fast to what we have – not add or take away.

Our desire is not to judge or condemn our brethren that are not a part of our nonprofit organization. We believe the “Little Flock” is scattered. We believe there are others holding fast to what we were all given. We don’t judge people unfit for God’s Kingdom because they aren’t part of our physical organization. James 4:11,12

If a problem comes up among brethren we believe we should follow the teachings of Jesus in Matt.18:15,16,17 Go to your brother teaching

We don’t think God ever put any popes in the church. No man is above the Bible. We must never put any mans teachings above the Bible. There should be no lords over God’s heritage. The Bible says if we would be exalted we must humble ourselves. We need to love our neighbor as our self and God with all our being. Mr. Armstrong did not want people clapping for him. He didn’t want people to put him on a throne. He wanted them to learn the truth so that they could be on a throne in the Kingdom of God. He said this is not the work of HWA but the work of God. He did not want anyone to glorify him. We should not glorify him or any man.

We believe Mr. Armstrong was a great servant of God that we love and respect. We believe he taught us the truth and we must hold fast to what we have that no man take our crown. Rev. 3:11 We also believe 2nd Timothy 3: 13-16. We must continue in the things we have learned and remember who taught us.

I was ordained by God from the rank of local elder to the rank of preaching elder August 5,2017. God used Mr. Ronald W. Laughland a former worldwide church of God pastor, in the laying on of hands

God’s called out ones are welcome to join us in the online Sabbath service at 1:30 central time

Dave Jones

Statement Of Beliefs

1.) We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. (2 TIM. 3:16)

2.) We believe that we must live by every word of God. (MATT. 4:4)

3.) We believe in repentance, baptism and receiving God’s Spirit are the prerequisites to becoming a member of God’s Church (ACTS 2:38, ACTS 5:32)

4.) We believe at this end time that we must follow the teachings shown to us in The

Bible by the end-time apostle of God’s Church during the Philadelphia Era of the church. (REV. 3:7-13)

5.) We believe that the true gospel of the Kingdom of God should go to the world as a witness. (MATT. 24:14) b) We believe those God is calling who believe the gospel are the ones who are being saved. (ROM.5:10) c) We believe that the Church is the

little flock God is calling in this age. (LUKE 12:32)

6.) We believe that we must help all truly converted Christians that are to be the sons of God (ROM. 8:14) to prepare themselves for the Kingdom of God (MATT. 6:33)

7.) We believe we are to love our brothers and sisters, not judge them. (MATT. 7:1)

8.) We believe we must glorify God the Father and Jesus Christ and to never glorify

any leader in the church. (1 PET. 2:12)

9.) We believe we must feed the sheep. (JOHN 21:17)

10.) We believe that the key to understanding prophecy is the identity of modern Israel at the end time and that the promises of both race and grace have come through the line of Israel. (GEN. 49:1-28, GEN. 12:1-3)

11.) We believe that the Church of God should follow Christ’s example, becoming more like Him (MATT. 11:28-30, Eph. 4:13, 1Cor. 11:1) 

12.)We Believe that through Christ’s sacrifice we can be forgiven of our past sins (Rom. 3: 23-25, Eph. 1:7)